
Die Optimisten inform at
Sat Feb 15 14:54:48 UTC 2014


Very useful tool, but options not standard...
How do I extract (convert video) to  CBR (constant BitRate) mp3 ?
Always getting VBR!

is there another (complete) helpfile with ALL options / usages?
-c:a -c opt -codec ...  is not standard.
Should be --codec.
Also -o file would be standard (more than -i, which rather could be
=> Perhaps avconv2 ? with "standardized" options as usual?
( --filter-* , --filter-video-[FILTERNAME opts,]+ 
--filter-audio-[FILTERNAME opts,] )
( -f=FILTERNAME opts -fv=FILTERNAME1:opts, =FILTERNAME2:opts,...
if more of same filter (e.g. -fa) then there are used for each file (map
is used within 1 file for different streams?)

WIuld it be good to have filters for reading/extracting input  creating
file F1..Fn, stream F1S1..F1Sn  and then
    outputfilters mapping these to OutputFiles (O1..On streams T1..Tn)  ?

PLEASE also CC  email directly, i#m not subscribed to this list!


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