Bug#729203: [FFmpeg-devel] Reintroducing FFmpeg to Debian

Andreas Cadhalpun andreas.cadhalpun at googlemail.com
Mon Jul 28 14:05:46 UTC 2014

On 28.07.2014 13:52, Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wrote:
> On Mon, 28 Jul 2014, Norbert Preining wrote:
>> On Sun, 27 Jul 2014, Reinhard Tartler wrote:
>>> In [1], Moritz from the security team clearly stated that he is more
>>> than uncomfortable with having more than one copy of libavcodec in
>>> debian/testing. In consequence this means that any package that builds
>>> against the ffmpeg packages currently in NEW won't make it into
>>> testing either. I am therefore surprised about the given answer to the
>> "More than uncomfortable" does not mean "will not be included"
> Yes, it does.
> Someone will have to convince the security team somehow, likely by offering
> to do the work themselves _and_ convincing them that these new members will
> be around for long enough.

Michael Niedermayer from FFmpeg upstream volunteered "to help with any 
future security issues in FFmpeg packages in debian" [1].

> However:
> The change in Debian-specific symbol versioning and sonames being done to
> ffmpeg so that it is co-installable with libav *is* a problem.
> It has to be done in coordination with the Canonical guys, so that both
> Debian and Ubuntu do the same thing re.  ffmpeg sonames and symbol
> versioning.  Otherwise, the ffmpeg packages will be of very limited use
> (useless to run third-party binary-only games ;-p).

I don't think coordination with Ubuntu will be a problem.
In comment #7 in the corresponding bug at launchpad [2] Dimitri John 
Ledkov wrote that Ubuntu won't introduce FFmpeg on it's on, but instead:
"If you wish to see a supported ffmpeg stack in both Debian and Ubuntu, 
please become a developer and start maintaining it in Debian."

Best regards,

1: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=729203#528
2: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libav/+bug/1263278

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