Sponsorship/Review for package "karlyriceditor"

Martin Steghöfer martin at steghoefer.eu
Sat May 10 15:03:24 UTC 2014

Hi all,

I hope this is a good place for my cause. I am looking for someone to 
review and sponsor the package I have created for the "karlyriceditor" 
(Karaoke Lyrics Editor). The sponsoring article on mentors.debian.net 
suggests packaging teams as the primary way to find sponsors. And as the 
"karlyriceditor" is related to Multimedia, I thought that this might be 
the place to ask for help.

Source package:

* Package name    : karlyriceditor
   Version         : 1.3
   Upstream Author : George Yunaev <support at karlyriceditor.com>
* URL             :http://www.ulduzsoft.com/linux/karaoke-lyrics-editor/
* License         : GPL-3
   Programming Lang: C++
   Description     : Karaoke lyrics editor with video rendering

Extended description:

A Qt-based GUI application to edit and test Karaoke lyrics in popular formats. Features full support for non-English languages, support for CDG, LRC and UltraStar specifics, built-in karaoke testing window and Karaoke video rendering.

Builds 1 binary package: karlyriceditor

The current version of the package can be inspected here:

ITP bug: #692968

Reviews, sponsorships and comments about finding a sponsor are very much appreciated. I'm quite unexperienced yet in packaging.

Best regards,
Martin Steghöfer

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