Bug#739936: closed by Alessandro Ghedini <ghedo at debian.org> (Re: Bug#739936: mpv: no 'ICY Info' metadata printed when playing from playlist stream)

Alessandro Ghedini ghedo at debian.org
Mon May 12 10:21:51 UTC 2014

On Sun, May 11, 2014 at 10:06:16PM -0500, Brian Paterni wrote:
> Thanks for your work on this bug Alessandro!
> Since I'm running unstable, I've been patiently waiting for the
> transition to libav10. I see that it has apparently hit today with
> libavformat55 6:10.1-1, but I'm still not seeing printing of metadata
> by mpv. My assumption was that I'd be able to see this information
> once the transition went through. Is this not the case? Must I tell
> mpv to print stream metadata manually somehow?

The transition just barely started (it will end when libav0 migrates to
testing), and mpv hasn't been rebuilt yet. Anyway, I just uploaded 0.3.9-2 to
try to speed things up a bit.
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