Bug#768295: pd-osc-1.0-2 is outdated and buggy

IOhannes m zmölnig (Debian/GNU) umlaeute at debian.org
Fri Nov 7 16:42:14 UTC 2014

Control: retitle -1 bug with depth > 1 OSC address
Control: tags -1 confirmed

On 11/06/2014 11:28 AM, Antoine Villeret wrote:
> When parsing OSC path with more than one slash ('/'), the float is not
> understood by a number box.

to be precise, [routeOSC] will output a message with the remaining
OSC-path as the selector followed by the data.

when sending a message [/foo/bar 23( to [routeOSC /foo/bar], the
remaining OSC-path is empty, resulting in an empty symbol '' as the
selector; followed by the data (23).

the expected behaviour (which has been fixed in the upstream repository)
is to output with the selector "list".

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