Bug#771126: libav/tests/lena.pnm: also not mentioned in debian/copyright

Holger Levsen holger at layer-acht.org
Thu Nov 27 11:46:04 UTC 2014

On Donnerstag, 27. November 2014, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
> > control: tags -1 + wheezy-ignore
> Are you part of the release team?

No, but the release team is explicitly happy with *me* tagging stuff wheezy-
ignore following guidelines discussed on debian-release.

the conclusion there has been: (in stable) distributable stuff which is non-
free or wrongly mentioned in debian/copyrights are serious bugs - but serious 
bugs which *can* be ignored.

(and yeah, usually I cc: debian-release at l.d.o explicitly on such taggings, 
because it's the proper thing to do. as I also know that most if not all of 
the release team are subscribed to all RC bugs anyway, I sometimes forget 

> > first of all, the file in question is libav-11/tests/lena.pnm
> No, path (inside the source) is "tests/lena.pnm".

you're so right, amazing!
> Questions still stand: Why?

to save people from useless^w work.

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