Bug#771042: blender: Blender crashes while rendering with cycles

Sergey Sharybin sergey.vfx at gmail.com
Fri Nov 28 11:38:45 UTC 2014


Tried to reproduce with default cube scene and some production .blend
files here in the studio, no luck.

The questions are:

- Does this issue happen with default cube scene? If not, it really
worth preparing .blend file which gives issues for sure.
- Is it CPU or GPU rendering?
- Is OSL involved into the test file?
- How much threads you're using for rendering?
- Is it crash when rendering animation or rendering still image also
gives issues?
- Does the crash happens when you render from command line: `blender
-b /path/to/file.blend -f 1`

This information would help us nailing the root of the issue down.

With best regards, Sergey Sharybin

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