New version of libde265 available for upload

Joachim Bauch jojo at
Tue Sep 16 16:50:23 UTC 2014

Hi Sebastian,

On 16.09.2014 17:46, Sebastian Ramacher wrote:
> Thank you for updating the package. Here are remarks:

thanks for the feedback.

> * Please do not override binary-without-manpage from lintian. They are
>   valid warnings. Overrides are there if lintian reports false postives.

Ok, removed the override. I was assuming as the binaries are just
examples, they will probably never get man-pages.

> * Please update the paragraph documenting libde265/md5.c in debian/copyright to
>   use libde265/

Changed, already missed that in the last release.

> * You can use
>  (optional|c++|regex)"^std::vector<int, std::allocator<int> >::.*@Base$" 0.8
>  in the symbols file instead of listing all optional symbols that are generated
>  from std::vector<int>.

Nice, didn't know about that - changed it.

Please check the latest packaging changes and upload if all is fine.

Thanks and best regards,

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