Bug#783082: Aw: Re: linux-image-3.16.0-4-586: video players/browsers crash with 'illegal instruction' on i586

hikaru.debian at web.de hikaru.debian at web.de
Wed Apr 22 23:09:29 UTC 2015

Hello Bernhard,

thanks for your reply!
I will try to reproduce your findings on real hardware tomorrow.

Can you have a look at the qupzilla and/or xombrero issue as well please? I'm not sure anymore if it's the same problem,
because meanwhile I installed a qemu vm myself (on Wheezy/amd64) using these settings:

qemu-system-i386 -cpu pentium -m 512 -hda pentium.img -cdrom debian-jessie-DI-rc3-i386-netinst.iso

Then I installed a standard LXDE desktop and could reproduce the browser crashes but not the video player crashes.
So far I have no gdb results because I only have very basic knowledge about it and a simple "run" command alone wasn't helpful.

Doesn't Jessie's libav configure script already check for a K6-2 and disable i686? [1]
I don't know because I'm not sure what's actually stored in $cpu at that point.


[1] http://sources.debian.net/src/libav/6:11.3-1/configure/#L3282

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