Bug#807854: additional information

David Christensen dpchrist at holgerdanske.com
Sun Dec 13 21:28:35 UTC 2015

I noted the problem when opening a *.txt file.

STFW Xfce stores file associations for a given user in:


Mine contained two entries that seem to be the source of the bug:

     2015-12-13 13:23:42 dpchrist at i72600s ~/.config
     $ egrep -i '^\[|devede' mimeapps.list-20151212-225710-devede
     [Default Applications]
     [Added Associations]

Removing them fixed the problem for *.txt files -- double-clicking on a 
*.txt file in Thunar opens the file in Mousepad.

But when I double-click on a *.devede file, it is also opened by Mousepad!

So, it appears that:

1.  Xfce thinks *.txt files are MIME type text/plain.

2.  Xfce thinks *.devede files are MIME type text/plain.

3.  Xfce uses MIME type for file association.

So, the root cause of the problem appears to be Xfce and the design of 
its file association feature (?).


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