Bug#809488: kodi does not suspend anymore

Johannes Schauer josch at debian.org
Thu Dec 31 15:35:33 UTC 2015


Quoting Johannes Schauer (2015-12-31 10:29:22)
> I used to run Debian Jessie with Mate as a DM with Kodi from backports.
> With that setup Kodi used to suspend just fine.
> Now I updated my base system to Squeeze and Kodi doesn't automatically
> suspend anymore.
> Maybe connected: the "power" menu at the lower left of the home screen
> now only shows the options "Exit" and "Inhibit idle shutdown". Before
> the upgrade I had more options there.
> Additionally, even when I try to use the Mate automatic suspend on idle
> options in the power menu, my system will not suspend while Kodi is
> still running.
> How can I make my system suspend automatically again with Kodi running
> in the foreground?

I have no clue about polkit but after searching in the internet it seems that
doing the following fixes this problem:

$ cat << END | sudo tee /var/lib/polkit-1/localauthority/50-local.d/custom-actions.pkla
[Actions for kodi user]

Maybe this helps!

In the worst case I now have documented a solution/workaround for others who
might also stumble over this problem :)


cheers, josch
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