Bug#777497: vlc: audio cuts out

Sebastian Ramacher sramacher at debian.org
Sun Feb 8 21:09:36 UTC 2015

Control: tag -1 + moreinfo
Control: severity -1 normal

On 2015-02-08 15:03:30, Timothy M Dowd wrote:
> Package: vlc
> Version: 2.2.0~rc2-2
> Severity: important
> Dear Maintainer,
> *** Reporter, please consider answering these questions, where appropriate ***
>    * What led up to the situation?
> I was watching an .mts file when the audio cut out. Clicking at a different
> point of time on the progress bar jumped to that time, where the audio worked
> again. It cut within a minute after this though

Does this also happen with other files? If not, we need a sample.

> I believe it has something to do with alsa mixer because it's happened in
> banshee as well, and alsamixer occasionally shows my card, but also
> occasionally just shows pulse audio

What makes you think that this is a bug in vlc if it also happends with banshee?
Does it also happen with avplay?

In any case, please send the output of vlc -vvv.

Sebastian Ramacher
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