Fwd: Thank YOU! GrooveBasin

Andrew Kelley superjoe30 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 18 19:22:52 UTC 2015

Happy Groove Basin user :-)

Not a Debian user but still, I thought it would be nice to see a happy user
of a project packaged by the Multimedia Team.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: kevin folz <kevinfolz at gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Feb 18, 2015 at 11:54 AM
Subject: Thank YOU! GrooveBasin
To: superjoe30 at gmail.com

Where can I help / donate $$ to this project. You sir need a beer on me.

Honestly, I have been searching for the perfect (linux) media player for 3
years... and so happy to have found you. I just installed 1.5.0 on arch
linux. BLOWN AWAY!

I am also a software engineer...  and thats a problem, hard to settle on
"crap" software, that you know you would make differently. your software is
EXACTLY how I would make it.

Searching through the library, most software fails at searching for
file/folder names! Some modify your music folder / add metadata (awful).
Groove '/' keyboard shortcut + random_folder_name + 'enter' BAM! LOVE IT!

I used Winamp on Windows for 10 years+, the simple "playlist first" UI is
what I liked+ "Jump To File" for queue.... but I use Linux at work since
2011. I also have 33,000 songs, so very few players survive.

My Carputer (arch + bluetooth + pulse) -> car stereo will also switch to
this (vs audacious).... as I now have an android app (MPDroid) to control
it :D :D Bluez doesn't support AVRCP properly yet either.... so a simple
tablet mounted to dash will work just fine.

Audacious (with search tool plugin) in Ubuntu comes close, but lacks Web UI
/ Android apps. Mpris is an awesome protocol though.

My only todo, is implementing global hotkeys... I should be able to rig
that through window manger -> mpd console cmd, I would hope?

Your biggest fan, sorry for the long email, I am SUPER excited.

pps. love the streaming! I actually don't need to bring my USB HDD to work
anymore ! Much awesome. Such respect. Wow!
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