libdvdnav_5.0.1-2_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into experimental

Matteo F. Vescovi mfv at
Fri Jan 2 09:22:35 UTC 2015

Hi again!

On 2015-01-02 at 10:08 (CET), Fabian Greffrath wrote:
> > My main task was to fix that #774075 and asked on #debian-multimedia IRC
> > channel how I should've handled that Breaks against mplayer2 but I
> > hadn't the time to investigate further about the "last good" version of
> > mplayer2 working with the lib.
> I am not sure about the "first good" version of mplayer2 that is linked
> against libdvdnav instead of libdvdnavmini, either, but I guess it is
> safe to force upgrade from the version in stable to the version in
> testing, which will itself become the new stable soon.

Perfect. I've already committed the Breaks stuff and I'm about pushing
it to git repository so could be however included in next upload.

> > So now just another couple of bugs afflicts the package and I'd like to
> > fix them too. I've noticed #758543 and I've seen you had an idea about
> > the way to fix that. Could you explain it to me too? I don't know if the
> > "symlink trick" could be used here as well. Hope to be convinced by your
> > argument ;)
> Actually, #774075 is a duplicate of #758543, but with a different
> package affected. As a consequence of #758543, Breaks have been added to
> remove mplayer and mencoder packages, which were both linked against
> libdvdnavmini and are not available in Debian anymore. The mplayer2
> package is different, because it has switched from libdvdnavmini to
> libdvdnav meanwhile and is still available in Debian. So, here it would
> be sufficient to force its upgrade when a libdvdnav package is
> instralled that does not contain libdvdnavmini anymore.
> The symlink approach would solve all of these conflicts as well, and
> provides additional backwards compatibility (the Breaks against mplayer
> and mencoder could get removed). The downside is that it's some kind of
> a dirty hack and provides support for a deprecated interface that is
> abandoned upstream.

Uh, I mis-copied the bug number :/
I was intending #760627, which is the only other normal severity bug
filed against libdvdnav, where there's your hint about the
libdvdnavmini -> libdvdnav symlink.

Sebastian, what about that?


Matteo F. Vescovi || Debian Developer
GnuPG KeyID: 4096R/0x8062398983B2CF7A

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