Bug#534504: mediatomb: Daemon starts up too early in the boot process; interface not found

Gregory Shimansky gshimansky at gmail.com
Fri Jan 9 20:27:48 UTC 2015

I just had a fresh install of Debian 7.7.0, and had the same problem with
mediatomb. After I configured INTEFACE to eth0 in /etc/default/mediatomb I
got this error in /var/log/mediatomb.log at startup:

2015-01-09 22:46:08   ERROR: Could not determine interface address: Cannot
assign requested address
2015-01-09 22:46:08   ERROR: Could not find interface: eth0

The problem appears to be in minissdpd service. For some reason it was
added to startup together with mediatomb. I don't know which dependency
pulled this service and why it was enabled by default. After removing
minissdpd package I have meditomb running just fine at startup.

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