Bug#775181: x265-10bit doesn't work

Fabian Greffrath fabian at greffrath.com
Tue Jan 13 20:16:56 UTC 2015

Am Dienstag, den 13.01.2015, 13:34 +0100 schrieb Sebastian Ramacher: 
> Yes, x265_max_bit_depth is a constant defined in that way, but it is
> exported by the library. So you get x265_max_bit_depth == 8 if you use
> the 8 bit library and x265_max_bit_depth == 10 if you use the 10 bit
> library.

Ah, I see. This is what happens in

    param->internalBitDepth = x265_max_bit_depth;

Now it gets clear to me. ;)



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