Bug#774038: xbmc: When going fullscreen watching through xbmc-pvr-tvheadend-hts makes video stays black

Bernhard Übelacker bernhardu at vr-web.de
Fri Jan 16 22:47:20 UTC 2015

Hello Bálint,

> This kodi-14 stack is nearly equal to the stack of xbmc-13 when we call the VDPAU::CDecoder::FiniVDPAUOutput.
> The difference starts in CWinSystemX11::SetFullScreen.
> Will do some more testing, probably we need only to make a call to CWinSystemX11::SetWindow too ...

Tried now if I could get the SetFullScreen/CDecoder::OnResetDevice from
kodi into xbmc, but was not successfull on it (probably one with deeper
knowledge could do ...).

So in the end we have these options:

- turn off xrandr: affecting every video usage of xbmc
  (even affect non-binary-nvidia-driver users.)

- switch PVR to software decoding: just affecting PVR, but probably
  problematic on devices not fast enough for software (raspberry?)

- Let affected users change it via the confiruation interface:
  (at least Settings level Advanced)
   Settings - Video - Acceleration - Allow hardware acceleration (VDPAU)

Kind regards,

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