Bug#791748: vlc: VLC no longer works without pulseaudio

James Cowgill james410 at cowgill.org.uk
Wed Jul 8 00:44:01 UTC 2015

Control: merge -1 791735

On Tue, 2015-07-07 at 16:08 -0600, Akkana Peck wrote:
> Package: vlc
> Version: 2.2.1-2+b1
> Severity: important
> VLC suddenly is no longer able to play audio on systems that don't
> have pulseaudio installed. When I run it on an mp3 file, it prints
> on stdout,
> PulseAudio server connection failure

Please don't file duplicate bug reports. In this case, you can email
this address if you want to add more information to your previous
 791735 at bugs.debian.org

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