Bug#790918: libav-tools: bitrate 448 is not allowed in mp2 / convert to pal dvd with mp2 audio

Richard Gomes rgomes.info at gmail.com
Fri Jul 10 23:18:28 UTC 2015

I'm absolutely sure that argument /-acodec mp2/ was not working as expected.
If I replace */-acodec mp2/* by */-acodec ac3/*, it works just fine.

In case you have a lot of time and patience for a long troubleshooting
session, you can find more info at:

After the issue involving */-acodec mp2/* was circumvented, I've found
another issue involving /dvdauthor/.
You can see the issue reported here:

Then I've decided to compile /ffmpeg/ for Debian Jessie 8.1. The
procedure is described here:

Using /devedeng/ with /ffmpeg/ everything worked just fine.

Thanks a lot,

Richard Gomes
mobile: +44(77)9955-6813
inum <http://www.inum.net/>: +883(5100)0800-9804
sip:rgomes at ippi.fr

On 10/07/15 13:31, Reinhard Tartler wrote:
> The patch in the referenced ticket should only have any effect if you
> used the (deprecated) argument -ab, which the command line in your
> original report does not use. To be honest, I cannot see how the patch
> can possibly fix the command invocation that you show.
> Are you absolutely sure that the patch fixes the issue that you are
> seeing? Have you tested it by recompiling src:libav with the patch?
> Best,
> Reinhard
> On Thu, Jul 2, 2015, 9:00 PM Richard Gomes <rgomes.info at gmail.com
> <mailto:rgomes.info at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     The command I tried was
>     avconv -loop 1 -f image2 -i
>     /home/rgomes/Videos/BBC4/dvd_1/movie/menu/menu_0_bg.png -i
>     /usr/local/share/devede_ng/silence.ogg -y -target pal-dvd -acodec
>     mp2 -s
>     720x576 -g 12 -b:v 2500k -b:a 224k -aspect 4:3 -t 31
>     /home/rgomes/Videos/BBC4/dvd_1/movie/menu/menu_0.mpg
>     .... which is produced by an application called DeVeDe NG.
>     https://github.com/rastersoft/devedeng
>     The command fails as described in the ticket
>     https <https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/3736>://
>     <https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/3736>trac.ffmpeg.org
>     <https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/3736>/ticket/3736
>     <https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/3736>

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