Select provider of libav* libraries

Andreas Cadhalpun andreas.cadhalpun at
Sun Jun 7 18:45:56 UTC 2015

Hi Bálint,

On 07.06.2015 19:17, Bálint Réczey wrote:
> 2015-06-07 15:24 GMT+02:00 Andreas Cadhalpun <andreas.cadhalpun at>:
>> Hi Fabian,
>> On 07.06.2015 14:39, Fabian Greffrath wrote:
>>> Am Samstag, den 06.06.2015, 21:29 +0200 schrieb Andreas Cadhalpun:
>>>> Maybe we could even find a reasonable way to implement this in a dh7-style
>>>> debian/rules file without doubling the build-time.
>>> yes, most probably. I do strongly believe that it is not necessary to
>>> clean the source and rebuild *everything* from scratch because of the
>>> additional codecs. I am sure it would be sufficient to back up the
>>> regular built library and merely call ./configure and make again with
>>> the extra rules to build the extra variant.
>> Yes, something like that should work.

It seems it doesn't really work, because calling configure again causes
make to rebuild everything.

> I think implementing the changes upstream instead of in debian/rules
> would help other distributions, too, and keep the packaging simple.
> I'm not sure how they handle this problem to be honest, but they may
> have faced it, too.

I don't think that could be implemented easily. So rebuilding twice would
be necessary.

Best regards,

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