Bug#786438: libmp3lame0: general protection error in libmp3lame.so.0.0.0

Fabian Greffrath fabian at debian.org
Wed Jun 10 10:36:53 UTC 2015

Am Dienstag, den 09.06.2015, 15:20 +0200 schrieb Fabian Greffrath:
> With upstream patch application in mind, I'd rather modify
> Makefile.am.
> In the per-function variant the attribute intruction would have to be
> #ifdef'd out of the way for non-GCC compilers, whereas automake is
> already rather GCC-centric anyway.

I have decided to go the per-function way and add __GNUC__ protectors.
I will upload a fixed package shortly.

Thank you very much for your help with analyzing this bug and your
patient suggestions and patches!

 - Fabian
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