Bug#789256: cmus: Pulls in unwanted and potentially dangerous DECnet packages through libroar2

Patrick Matthäi pmatthaei at debian.org
Sat Jun 20 10:52:59 UTC 2015

Am 20.06.2015 um 12:42 schrieb John Paul Adrian Glaubitz:
> Stephan,
> seriously, you are missing the point. Absolutely _no_one_ needs ROAR
> audio with DECnet support except you and your buddy Patrick.

I need roaraudio for myself? He is my buddy? I don't know him at all :o
John: please stop writing e-mails like this..

> If you desperately need ROAR audio in cmus, then you can rebuild it
> manually. Debian should not keep packages that are dead upstream,
> especially when it comes to network libraries. There is _always_
> the risk of these being the source of RC bugs.

This is defintily not the Debian packaging way: "just some people want
to use it: build it yourself"

> I have fixed dozens of such packages during the Wheezy release
> phase with NMU uploads because the original maintainer was MIA
> and we really should try to avoid such problems in future releases.

Thanks for fixing RC bugs, this is our job @ Debian :)

Mit freundlichem Gruß / With kind regards,
 Patrick Matthäi
 GNU/Linux Debian Developer

  Blog: http://www.linux-dev.org/
E-Mail: pmatthaei at debian.org
        patrick at linux-dev.org

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