Select provider of libav* libraries

Alessio Treglia alessio at
Mon May 18 12:47:25 UTC 2015

Ciao Alessandro,

and thanks for sharing your thoughts, it's genuinely appreciated.

On Mon, May 18, 2015 at 1:26 PM, Alessandro Ghedini <ghedo at> wrote:
> And it's already clear that libav just doesn't provide enough security coverage,

Can you please elaborate? AFAICS the versions in oldstable (0.8.17)
and stable (11.3) are actively maintained upstream.
Honestly that looks quite enough of security support.

> I'm implying that users have been asking for what they need (ffmpeg) for a long
> time, and Debian isn't providing it.

Well, that is an alleged opinion, not fact. Conversely libav backers
couldn't say that "we are giving the users all what they really really
want and need".
So please let's all just refrain from taking this as we're 100% to
have joined the battle on the right side ;)


Alessio Treglia          |
Debian Developer         |     alessio at
Ubuntu Core Developer    |  quadrispro at
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