Updating LV2 stack serd sord lilv

Jaromír Mikeš mira.mikes at gmail.com
Tue Oct 13 12:10:27 UTC 2015

2015-10-13 11:56 GMT+02:00 IOhannes m zmölnig (Debian/GNU)
<umlaeute at debian.org>:
> Hash: SHA256
> On 2015-10-13 11:37, IOhannes m zmölnig (Debian/GNU) wrote:
>> hmm, not sure whether i understand the problem. assuming it is
>> something more complicated than using the attached
>> libserd-doc.install, what is then?
> ah, i think this was the wrong solution to the problem.
> it seems that doxygen puts the documentation into a
> reference.doxygen.doxy/ subdirectory (cf.
> waflib/extras/doxygen.py:55), which prevents wav from finding,
> cleaning up and finishing the so-generated documentation.
> i patched the wafscript to use the new output directory, and now it
> works again. (pushed).

Thank you IOhannes!

works fine


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