Update devede to DevedeNG

Sergio Costas rastersoft at gmail.com
Sun Oct 25 19:25:24 UTC 2015

Dear sirs:

I'm Sergio Costas, the developer of Devede.

About a year ago I updated Devede to version 4.x, and called it DevedeNG
(because it was ported to Gtk3, Python 3, and sufered a big internal
refactorization). Unfortunately, it seems that all distros still are
using the old 3.x version, which are unsuported and are producing lot of
problems to the users.

Is it possible to update the packages to the last version?

The GIT repository is at https://github.com/rastersoft/devedeng

The setup.py code is ready to generate .deb packages (in fact, I'm using
it to offer them in my homepage), so the work should be quite


Nos leemos
		         RASTER    (Linux user #228804)
raster at rastersoft.com              http://www.rastersoft.com

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