Bug#798341: [inkscape] impossible to install inkscape

Marco Righi marco.righi at gmail.com
Thu Sep 10 14:55:36 UTC 2015

Dear IOhannes,
excuse me about too concise exposure.

I wrote about different computers. I am managing several servers, most
of them are made of commercial cheap "SOHO" hardware.

The Supermicro is the only (my) server that has a non-cheap hardware. It
has a particular hardware.

>From some days I was trying to install from scratch a new Debian testing
distribution because the previous one was freezing on boot (see
attachment). It was a PURE Debian testing. After your e-mail where you
kindly explained me about Debian distribution transition, I have
downloaded a new Debian testing from Debian web site.

The installation finish and I restart the computer. The first boot
finishes with a computer having a only black video (without even a text
mode). I can SSH to server. I perform an SSH, I perform and upgrade and
a dist-upgrade and after the server freeze as in figure (and before the
upgrade). Before you wrote me, I thought to an hardware problem. After
your e-mail, I tested the last Ubuntu Server LTS and it work fine!

So meaning of this explanation is a warning for you. I like a lot Debian
but it seem to me that in this moment there are a lot of problems and
you have not the control of the problems.

so who do you think is to blame?

You are right when you wrote that there are a lot of packages from other
repository, such as linuxmint. Thunderbid and Firefox was not available
from Debian distribution and for a certain period it was the only
solution to have enigmail installed.

Moreover, I remember some problems with old version of Virtualbox from
Debian repository (it seems to me that Virtualbox from Debian was not
running on some AMD uprocessors).

I know that Debian team works a lot but sometime something fails, as I
have just show you. I know that Debian is not responsible for any damage
you do to your system. You should only consider that before this
transition the systems works perfectly. I have Debian distributions
working fine from several years.

To finish, it is clear that you know repositories as "deb-multimedia",
it could be interesting a positive collaboration with the "guys" that
manage these unofficial repositories.

You are free to help consider bugs from Debian users that use other
repository or not, to close a report bug even if the bug is open.

Thanks for your suggestions.


Il 10/09/2015 10:14, IOhannes m zmölnig (Debian/GNU) ha scritto:
> On 2015-09-09 14:46, Marco Righi wrote:
>> The problem is not resolved (the test are below).
>> Regarding the hybrid configuration, I think it is a problem
>> because there not exists the last version of a library but your are
>> branching them so my Linux "lives" using some library from a branch
>> and some library from another branch. It seems to me that is not a
>> good practice if you want that Debian will continues to be a Linux
>> leader.
> i have a hard time understanding this paragraph.
>> Moreover, a pure Debian testing freezes on a Supermicro board
>> after the installation at the first reboot. The problem has born
>> during these day so I think that it is bind to the new Debian
>> release. The
> [...]
> your hardware problems are a totally unrelated issue.
> i understand that this issue is the reason why you are mixing both
> "stable" aka "jessie" (which seems to work fine for you) and "testing"
> aka "stretch" (picking the parts you want updated).
> but this doesn't mean that Debian supports such a setup, (and as a
> consequence: that bugs caused by this setup are valid).
> furthermore, you have plenty of other repositories outside of debian
> enabled.
> some of them are known to make problems (e.g. deb-multimedia), that's
> why you might get heated replies about them.
> others are from other distributions (e.g. linuxmint).
> others are totally unknown.
> if you have only a single package installed from any of those
> non-Debian repositories, this package might depend on a certain
> version that is *conflicting* with an official package like 'inkscape'
> as found in testing, making it uninstallable.
> so who do you think is to blame?
> so to conclude:
> a large eco-system like an entire operating system with thousands of
> libraries and applications is a complex system.
> it takes a lot of man power to make all its components work together.
> Debian does this work.
> if you (the user) deliberately replaces some of it's components, then
> Debian cannot be held responsible for any damage you do to your system.
> that's why your bug report is considered invalid and has been closed.
> the good news is: even though you have tampered with your system, it
> still is consistent (everything works). it just won't let you install
> things that are known to break your existing setup (this is the actual
> reason why you cannot install 'inkscape').
> /this doesn't mean however, that
> finally:
> there *is* a way to install newer versions of (selected) packages on a
> "stable" system. it's called "backports", and provides specially buit
> packages that integrate into e.g. "jessie".
>   http://backports.debian.org/
> note however, that backports only provides a small subset of the
> ~50000 packages available in Debian.
> and of course (to reiterate what others have already said): if you do
> want to have support from Debian, you need to first /use Debian/: that
> means uninstalling all packages from unofficial (wrt Debian)
> repositories and disabling all unofficial repositories.
> gmfsdr
> IOhannes

Think Marco, think different
web site:http://www.di.unipi.it/~righi/
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