Bug#798661: vlc: VLC only shows top-left part of the movie

Sebastian Ramacher sramacher at debian.org
Tue Sep 15 13:03:53 UTC 2015

Control: severity -1 normal

On 2015-09-11 16:55:51, Ralf Jung wrote:
> Package: vlc
> Version: 2.2.1-3
> Severity: important
> Dear Maintainer,
> since I installed the big gcc5-transition and all the package updates coming along with it,
> VLC is no longer working properly: When I open a movie, only the top-left part of the window
> actually shows movie content. The rest of the windows is black, with the rest of the movie
> not being visible. I tried both the XVideo and the GLX output module, I tried disabling
> compositing in KWin, and I tried videos of different formats. The behavior is always
> the same. I will attach a screenshot.
> The same files used to work fine in VLC, and still work fine in mpv.


> ii  libqt5core5a                5.5.0+dfsg-6
> ii  libqt5gui5                  5.5.0+dfsg-6
> ii  libqt5widgets5              5.5.0+dfsg-6
> ii  libqt5x11extras5            5.5.0-1

This sounds a lot like
Does downgrading to the Qt version help or any of the workarounds help?

Sebastian Ramacher
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