Bug#798341: [inkscape] impossible to install inkscape

Fabian Greffrath fabian at debian.org
Mon Sep 21 05:42:43 UTC 2015

Am Sonntag, den 20.09.2015, 15:15 +0430 schrieb Tsu Jan:
> Dear maintainers, if by "unofficial repositories" you mean the excellent 
> work that is being done at "deb-multimedia.org", it's not to be blamed:

Please elaborate what "excellent work" you are talking about

> the current mess persists after removing it from "sources.list". I have 

This is not enough. You will also have to remove all packages installed
from these repositories.

Though, as has already been pointed out several times in this bug
report, it does not help in this specific case. The solution is to wait
until (1) libraries have migrated to testing and (2) packages rebuilt
against migrated libraries have migrated to testing.

If you are using Debian testing, you are using a rolling release.
Either you get over the fact that it is "rolling" or you should use
stable instead.

> IMHO, the word "transition" has become a widespread excuse for the poor 
> maintenance. Each maintainer MAY do his/her job well enough but the lack 
> of coordination is obvious.

Say, how would you organize a C++ ABI transition that affects some 1000
packages then?

Also, applauding for the "excellent work" being done at d-m.o and at
the same time complaining about lack of coordination among maintaners
isn't going to support your point.

 - Fabian

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