concerning llibva backport

James Cowgill jcowgill at
Fri Aug 5 22:15:43 UTC 2016

On 05/08/16 22:47, Felipe Sateler wrote:
> On 5 August 2016 at 17:24, James Cowgill <jcowgill at> wrote:
>> On 05/08/16 21:03, Nicholas D Steeves wrote:
>>> Hi Sebastian,
>>> I did a fresh build of libva-1.7.1-1~bpo+1 today, and noticed that it
>>> was building against mesa-10.3.2-1+deb8u1 from Jessie.  I've been
>>> testing it on a Jessie+backported mesa-11.1.3-1~bpo8+1, and the
>>> packages I've been testing have also been built against mesa-10.3.x.
>>> Do you think it's ok to build against mesa 10.3.2, or should we bump
>>> the build deps of libva to pull in mesa from jessie-backports.  I'm in
>>> favour of bumping the deps asap.  Additionally, I think it would also
>>> be wise to bump the intel-vaapi-driver build-depend on libdrm-dev to
>>> prevent it from being built against libdrm-2.4.58-2.
>> Why? You realize that building against a newer version of mesa/libdrm
>> won't affect the dependencies on the final package?
> In backports, it does. Dependencies are statisfied from stable if
> possible, thus the build-depends needs to be tightened to force use of
> the backported library.

What I mean is that build-depending on a more recent package version
doesn't necessarily[1] mean that version will be required at runtime and
reflected in the Depends: lines. For example, mesa doesn't insert any
dependencies into the users of libgl1-mesa-glx, so bumping the
build-dependency will have no affect on the version of the package
actually used at runtime. So if the downstream package doesn't use any
new features in the more recent library, why bump the build-dependency?

[1] It is possible to do this through symbols files, but neither libdrm
or mesa do.


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