preparing new RtMidi release, question about SO version
Stephen Sinclair
radarsat1 at
Mon Feb 15 19:38:28 UTC 2016
On Mon, Feb 15, 2016 at 12:05 PM, Felipe Sateler <fsateler at> wrote:
> Hi Stephen
> On 10 February 2016 at 14:21, Stephen Sinclair <radarsat1 at> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am helping to update RtMidi, a C++ class for cross-platform MIDI
>> support. There is a Debian librtmidi package. Although this is just
>> a bug-fix release, and is planned to go from 2.1.0 to 2.1.1, we have
>> added some automake/libtool infrastructure, and a last debate is
>> whether to properly start supporting SO version according to libtool's
>> rules.
> Cool. I would be careful, though, because for C++ seemingly innocent
> changes can break the ABI. STK[1] was recently updated to use
> libtool's -release style versioning to avoid problems, as some changes
> broke ABI and were not noticed by upstream as such. This is
> particularly important for libraries that are used as static libraries
> (as this kind of breakage might go unnoticed for a while).
So that's sort of part of my question -- I'd like to integrate better
ABI testing into the usual procedure, so as to avoid changes that
"were not noticed by upstream." If such problems are more likely
noticed by packagers, would it be good practice to always request a
pre-release review by packagers before doing an upstream release? Or
would that be too much noise? (Not that releases are done very
often.. but I'm asking in the general case, I'll likely apply this as
a rule of thumb to other software I maintain.)
> [1]
>> Previous versions have made the error of treating SO version like the
>> version number, and producing binaries e.g.
>> I was recommending changing this to properly reflect ABI
>> compatibility. What would Debian maintainers prefer here?
> If (and only if) proper ABI versioning can be done, then I'd prefer
> that, of course. But using a -release style versioning would also be
> ok, and force rebuild of all reverse depedends on each upstream
> version. This should be ok, as there aren't many (6 by my count). This
> has the advantagae for upstream that they do not have to care about
> abi.
I don't think it's a huge overhead to check for ABI changes between
releases, provided this can be done (largely) automatically. Which
should be possible, although I haven't explored the available tools
yet. I'm not 100% sure what you mean by -release style versioning.
You mean append the library version as if it were the SO name?
Doesn't that lead to complications when there's a bugfix release that
happens to change the ABI? Or rather you seem to be suggesting a full
SO bump on every release. I'm not sure if I follow.
>> I proposed making the new SO version 3.0.0, to really emphasize that
>> the ABI version is new, however since it's a bugfix release I don't
>> know if that's the recommended strategy.
>> In any case I notice that the interface has changed a bit, e.g. some
>> functions have lost parameters, others have new parameters, since the
>> last release.
> I see the pull request has already been merged. I hope this message
> doesn't come too late.
Yes, the release has been done. However, I think bumping the SO name
was the right call, seeing as the ABI signature of setErrorCallback()
changed. I just figured we may as well use it as an opportunity to
make it significantly different from the release version while we're
at it.
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