pd-bsaylor not 64 bit conform

IOhannes m zmölnig (Debian/GNU) umlaeute at debian.org
Sat Feb 20 19:26:37 UTC 2016


On 02/19/2016 04:29 PM, Alexander Tuchaček wrote:
> hallo maintainer of the pd-bsaylor package,
> there is a bug in the pd-bsaylor module, the external pvoc is not 64 bit capable ,
> see patch:
> https://sourceforge.net/p/pure-data/patches/540/

thanks for the bug-report.

for future reference:
please use the `reportbug` tool to report bugs about a package.
apart from helping us tracking any issue (an email is easily lost; i
ticket in the debian bug tracking system less so), it would have helped
you to discover that this has already been reported (though not yet fixed).



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