modifying libva (master) .gitignore

Sebastian Ramacher sramacher at
Fri Jul 8 08:33:31 UTC 2016

On 2016-07-06 16:17:09, Nicholas D Steeves wrote:
> Hi Sebastian,
> On 5 July 2016 at 05:30, Sebastian Ramacher <sramacher at> wrote:
> >
> > On 2016-07-04 14:54:17, Nicholas D Steeves wrote:
> >> I ran into an issue with backporting libva.  Is it ok if I add the
> >> following to libva (master) .gitignore?:
> >>
> >> debian.upstream/changelog
> >> debian.upstream/control
> >
> > How will this change affect gbp import-orig since these files come from the
> > upstream tarball?
> >
> > I usually use --git-ignore-new and cases where I really need gbp buildpackage.
> >
> I've read the following article:
> From what I understand of that page, and what I understand of the
> build process, it should be safe and desirable to prevent the
> debian.upstream/* from being imported into (master), because we use
> the ones in the (master) libva/debian.  Debian.upstream should
> probably still be imported into the (upstream) branch.
> Today I a tested a variety of approaches in combination with gbp
> import-orig, and it seems like this simple .gitignore solution might
> not be viable.  For example, adding debian.upstream to .gitignore and
> then deleting debian.upstream will produce conflicts whenever gbp
> import-orig imports a new version.  Alternatively, if debian.upstream
> is not deleted then the directory on Alioth will increasingly get
> stale.  I think this is probably the correct solution:
> more documentation available here:
> I have to take a break from this for a couple hours, but it looks like
> setting a custom attribute of merge=ours (deleted) for the
> debian.upstream directory will prevent both the merge conflict every
> time gbp import-orig is run, and will prevent the stale directory on
> Alioth by maintaining its deleted state.
> Two questions:  What do you think of this approach?  If we go ahead
> with this, on specifically what page should we document this "using
> git attributes in Debian packaging to prevent import of upstream
> debian directory" approach so that other Debian developers can refer
> to it?  It would have saved me a tonne of time if I had been able to,
> for example, find this information in:

I think it's overly complicated for something that can simply be solved by using
--git-ignore-new when using gbp buildpackage or patching the upstream build
system to not include debian.upstream/ I'll probably add a patch for
the latter.

Sebastian Ramacher
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