musescore 2.0.3+dfsg-1

Peter Jonas pjonas56 at
Thu Jul 14 13:56:46 UTC 2016

Hi James,

Many thanks for these changes!

They all look good to me, except for the patch to exclude Freetype
which upstream will not be too happy about. Upstream includes Freetype
intentionally to ensure that font rendering is consistent across
operating systems. Prior to 2.0.3 MuseScore relied on the system's
Freetype but this gave results that were inconsistent across different
systems and fixing kerning issues on one platform would break it on
another. Of course, if excluding Freetype is an *absolute requirement*
for inclusion in Debian then MuseScore will of course comply, but I
know that upstream would *much prefer* to include their own Freetype.

The other patches will all be welcome upstream. (OpenSSL is only
needed for the Windows build.)

Best wishes,

On 14 July 2016 at 13:27, James Cowgill <jcowgill at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've made some changes to the musescore packaging which I've pushed to
> git. Since I have not worked on musescore before and these changes are
> quite big, it would be good if someone could comment on them before I
> upload it.
> If noone replies I'll probably go ahead and upload it in a day or so.
> Thanks,
> James

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