Bug#600256: ardour-i686: Loud, painful clicking noises immediately after export

Jaromír Mikeš mira.mikes at gmail.com
Wed Jun 1 18:24:37 UTC 2016

2011-02-06 2:31 GMT+01:00 Steven McDonald <steven.mcdonald at libremail.me>:

> Sorry about the delayed reply. I got around to setting aside some time
> to test with ALSA, but decided to make sure the bug is still present
> with OSS first, and it seems to be gone now. The only thing that's
> changed is that I no longer use the Multiband EQ plugin from
> swh-plugins.

Hi Steven,

there is very fresh release of swh-plugins in sid now.
Can you please test if Multiband EQ still having this issue?

Thank you


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