rtaudio package

James Cowgill jcowgill at debian.org
Sat Jun 18 10:23:18 UTC 2016


On Fri, 2016-06-17 at 22:25 +0200, Jaromír Mikeš wrote:
> Hi,
> can safely upload package now? Soname was bumped.

I can upload this for you if you want, though there are some issues.

librtaudio5 is already taken and in use in jessie. To reuse this
number, the ABI must be identical (which I have not checked). I'm still
not sure I can believe what I'm reading here:

 librtaudio4    | 4.0.10~ds0-2 | wheezy  | amd64
 librtaudio4v5  | 4.1.1~ds0-4  | stretch | amd64
 librtaudio4v5  | 4.1.1~ds0-4  | sid     | amd64
 librtaudio5    | 4.1.1~ds0-2  | jessie  | amd64

librtaudio-dev cannot be Multi-Arch: same because it provides a binary
in /usr/bin (looks like this bug is already present in unstable

The RtAudio.h header file has moved, and rtaudio-config doesn't seem to
emit a -I option. Surely this will break all rdeps?

Please update the changelog for me :) (to experimental)

On a minor note, rtaudio-config seems to include a load of hardening
and warning flags. It should be the job of the application to do this
and not rtaudio.

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