Bug#818083: Makes noise instead of playing music

Thomas Orgis thomas-forum at orgis.org
Sun Mar 13 14:27:57 UTC 2016

Hi, (mpg123 upstream here)

does the choice of output method matter? Check

$ mpg123 --list-modules

and try some in the given list using

$ mpg123 -o $output_module_name

The easiest check to rule out an issue in the decoder binary is to
write a WAV file:

$ mpg123 -w output.wav input.mp3

This one can then be tested with other software or just looked at in a
waveform display (p.ex. playback with aplay, visualisation in audacity,
mhwaveedit, sox, …).

The choice of encoding and optimised decoder mal also matter. Actually,
that might be the first stop:

1. What platform is this (x86-64, ARM, MIPS)?
2. Which decoder is used?

Question 2, and also some of the above, is best answered by a copy of
the terminal printout of

$ mpg123 -vvv - < /dev/null

Such lines at the beginning already tell much:

Decoder: x86-64 (SSE)
Trying output module: alsa, device: <nil>
Using default module dir: /usr/lib/mpg123
Module dir: /usr/lib/mpg123
Module path: ./output_alsa.so
Chosen output module: alsa

Further information regards the chosen output format. When every file
sounds like rubbish, I presume you either hit an issue with the decoder
optimisation or the output system (any part of that chain).

Alrighty then,

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