Bug#803173: [mediatomb] Cannot start

James Cowgill jcowgill at debian.org
Wed Mar 23 00:36:01 UTC 2016

Control: tags -1 moreinfo

Hi Antonio,

I'm forwarding Simon's email to you concerning this bugreport.

I've just installed mediatomb on a machine running unstable, and it
seems to work OK there. Providing both /var/log/mediatomb and
/etc/default/mediatom would be a great help in finding out what's gone
wrong on your machine.


On Tue, 2016-03-22 at 19:55 -0400, Simon Ruggier wrote:
> Hi Antonio, as a fellow Debian user and mediatomb user, I backported the
> current version of the mediatomb package from unstable to Jessie and tried
> it on a system I'd recently upgraded to Jessie. It seemed to work fine for
> me without any problems, so I've changed the severity of this bug to
> 'important'.
> In the unlikely case that it's still available, can you include the
> contents of your /var/log/mediatomb log file in the report? It may explain
> why it's failing to start up.
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