Bug#734100: Fixed in VLC 3.0

Forest forestcode at ixio.org
Sat Nov 5 20:38:58 UTC 2016

Remi Denis-Courmont wrote:

>VLC upstream has not approved any patchset on top of VLC 2.2, 

Yes, I know.  Their failure to address this bug is responsible for vlc being
badly broken for a long time now.  I would think this an appropriate reason
to apply a downstream patch.

>the upstream solution is very far from trivial to backport.

Yes, I know.  I saw it.

>At least, all the patches for VLC 2.2 that I´ve seen proposed are all known 
>broken. That is to say that they do fix the symptoms, but they introduce even 
>worse problems that _will_ break VLC for other people.

I appreciate what you're saying, but have you examined my patchset?  It's
not quite the same as any other that I've seen, and I have yet to receive
any criticism of it at all.  If it will cause breakage, I'd like to know
specifically how, so I can either fix it or abandon the effort.  I'd hate to
think it was being prematurely dismissed.

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