thank you for uploading simplescreenrecorder

trebmuh at trebmuh at
Fri Nov 18 13:19:01 UTC 2016

Le 2016-11-18 07:58, shirish शिरीष a écrit :
> Dear all,
> Thank you for re-uploading simplescreenrecorder. Especially would like
> to thank pere for the new upload. Was able to use and upload a video
> about a bug in the new firefox
> See OR/and

Thanks for the thanks. That is appreciated.
Nice to know it's been helpful to you.

> I just had to toggle a few switches and a 200 MB behemoth media file
> (used x265) with a new recording and encoding became a 7 MB media
> file.
> I wish I could figure out how to make my profile (in
> simplescreenrecorder) public would be nice to take inputs from people.

As far as I know, SSR is keeping it's user-configuration files under 
You will certainly find your profile here somewhere.

Hope that helps,

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