hydrogen packaging

James Cowgill jcowgill at debian.org
Sat Nov 26 12:44:07 UTC 2016


On 26/11/16 02:02, Jaromír Mikeš wrote:
> 2016-11-26 0:15 GMT+01:00 James Cowgill <jcowgill at debian.org>:
>> On 25/11/16 17:15, Jaromír Mikeš wrote:
>>> 2016-11-25 17:13 GMT+01:00 James Cowgill <jcowgill at debian.org>:
>>>> -- d/hydrogen.install
>>>>> usr/share/hydrogen/data/img
>>>> It seems that the only reason for putting this in hydrogen instead of
>>>> hydrogen-data is the SVG icon?
>>> Yes
>> I don't think you should ship the entire data/img directory in the
>> hydrogen package just for this. Either only install that one svg and
>> move everything over to the -data package, or duplicate the svg since
>> it's only 9kB.
> Ok ... I thought that icon make sense to be installed in binary package
> but as hydrogen package can't be installed without hydrogen-data package
> all img dir is now moved to -data package.

I agree that putting the icon in the main package does make sense - it
just seemed like a lot of other stuff could have gone in the data
package. One thing is that appstream (ie GNOME software center) requires
the icon to be in the main package so hydrogen won't show up at the moment.


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