libgig 4.0.0 qsampler 4.2.0 gigedit 1.0.0

James Cowgill jcowgill at
Wed Nov 30 23:43:40 UTC 2016

On 30/11/16 15:38, Jaromír Mikeš wrote:
> 2016-11-30 14:24 GMT+01:00 James Cowgill <jcowgill at>:
>> On 26/11/16 15:17, Jaromír Mikeš wrote:
>>> Quoting upstream answer
>>> --------------
>>> However my original suggestion for changing /usr/include/libgig to
>>> /usr/include/libgig4 might still make sense. Since all applications linking
>>> against libgig are calling pkg-config, they would still compile to that new
>>> headers location without any changes to those app's source code or configure
>>> scripts. Do your Debian friends over there have any profound reasons against
>>> this naming scheme (with the lib's major number included)?
>> I have no profound reasons against it - it's just completely pointless
>> unless you change the library name as well (ie ->
>> Also, it's generally not a good idea to assume that _everyone_ is using
>> pkg-config.
>>> But just to make this clear: libgig is also one of the libraries which was and
>>> will change its API frequently becoming incompatible with previous versions.
>>> That's mainly because we decided that preserving backward compatibility for a
>>> long time would mean to much work overhead for us, with probably no relevant
>>> advantage for users in practice.
>> That's unfortunate, but since the library isn't used by many packages
>> it's probably not too bad.
> thank you James for comments ... can you please review libgig now if
> it is ready for uploading to experimental?

The Breaks/Replaces on libgig6 can be removed from both libgig7 and
libakai0. It was only needed for libgig6v5 due to the g++5 transition.

01-Makefile.patch should not modify configure or

These files are LGPL-2.1+:

Most other files seem to be GPL-2+ and not GPL-2 ?

A gentle nudge to include symbol files for libgig7 and libakai0, though
you can omit them for now if you want.

Upstream bug:
Numerous files contains é characters encoded using ISO-8859-1 instead of
UTF-8. The akai programs which print these characters all show it as �
on my machine.


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