dvd-slideshow depends

Herbert Fortes terberh at gmail.com
Sun Sep 11 17:47:24 UTC 2016


I am checking the 'Depends' entry in debian/control
from dvd-slideshow package.

We do not have[0]:

 - mkisofs from cdrtools
 - dvdrecord from dvdrtools if you want to actually burn dvds.

[0] - http://dvd-slideshow.sourceforge.net/wiki/Installation

I belive xorriso[1] package is the answer to replace
these packages.

[1] - https://packages.debian.org/stretch/xorriso

I will need to:

	- ./debian/patches/01_dvd-burn.patch

 create a patch for:
        - ./dvd-menu
        - two files in ./doc (.html, .wiki)
        - ./man/dvd/-menu.1

I have time and I will get closer to the team, but this package
is helpful in any way ? I mean, there is a more recent project
replacing dvd-slideshow ?


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