[RFS] updated libva and intel-vaapi-driver bpos

Nicholas D Steeves nsteeves at gmail.com
Thu Sep 15 00:15:57 UTC 2016

On Tue, Sep 13, 2016 at 09:08:38PM +0000, Mattia Rizzolo wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 13, 2016 at 05:03:23PM -0400, Nicholas D Steeves wrote:
> > Does "Needs-Build" status mean
> > that the package is still waiting for CPU time on an armel, armhf, and
> > mipsel system somewhere on the buildd network?
> Yes, it's waiting for a spare buildd to pick up the builds.
> I don't know how the backports upload are considered in the build
> priority, but clearly not near the top¹..
> ¹ e.g. I know that security builds are scheduled before anything else,
>   then stable, then unstable, then experimental; and that within a
>   single suite there are other things dictating priorities (like, new
>   packages are built after updated ones, even if the latter came after).
>   I just   don't know where backports is in that list.
> -- 
> regards,
>                         Mattia Rizzolo

Thank you for the clarification!  Hm, I wonder if there aren't very
many mipsel build hosts, or if it's just that they're very slow?  If
the problem is that there aren't enough, I wonder if it would be
useful to write a wiki page linked to from "ways to contribute to
Debian" detailing the process of how to repurpose an old router as a
buildd host. ;-)

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