Bug#838051: kodi: Embedded libsquish library now available in debian

Bálint Réczey balint at balintreczey.hu
Sat Sep 24 12:14:53 UTC 2016

Control: tags -1 upstream fixed-upstream pending
Control: notfound -1 17.0~alpha3+dfsg1-1

Hi Wookey,

2016-09-17 2:26 GMT+02:00 Wookey <wookey at debian.org>:
> Package: kodi
> Severity: normal
> Dear Maintainer,
> kodi contains an embedded copy of libsquish:
> in tools/depends/native/libsquish-native
> I have recently packaged libsquish, and it is now avilable in the archive:
> https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/libsquish
> In doing this I examined all the embedded copies, checking them for
> changes, and have merged all the extra features into the Debian
> package. Thus it should be straighforward to start using the system
> library instead of the embedded copy, without any API changes.
> The changes have also been sent upstream and will hopefully appear
> in libsquish 1.14 at some point.
> The kodi version was forked around v1.10 and has some 1.13 features
> backported as well as some entirely new functionality (BC4 and BC5
> compression format support, BGRA as well as RGBA testure source format
> support, pkconfig support, independent pitch and cell size in
> textures, and BlockMSE calculation). As all of these are included
> as-is in this version.
> Debian policy https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-source.html#s-embeddedfiles
> say that embedded copies should not be used if the library is available in Debian, and
> https://wiki.debian.org/EmbeddedCodeCopies gives a bit more background.
> I am not familiar with the kodi build system, so have not attempted to
> provide a patch as that should be much easier for you, but of course
> I'll help if you need some.
> The full set of packages affected is:
>    - nvidia-texture-tools 1.7 (src/nvtt/squish)
>    - 0ad         1.7 (libraries/source/nvtt/src/src/nvtt/squish/)
>    - spring      1.10  (rts/lib/squish)
>    - openimageio 1.10+ (1.10+metric) (src/dds.imageio/squish)
>    - xbmc        1.10+ (1.10+metric/BC45) (lib/libsquish)
>    - kodi        1.10+ (1.10+metric/BC45) (tools/depends/native/libsquish-native)
>    - mame        1.13+ (BC45) (3rdparty/bgfx/3rdparty/libsquish)
> Hope this is useful.

Thank you for packaging libsquish.
Kodi upstream dropped many embedded code copies recently including
libsquish in 17.x.
Experimental already has a kodi version without libsquish.

I'll close this bug when Kodi 17.x enters unstable.


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