Bug#800406: RFS sayonara/0.8.2

Ross Gammon ross at the-gammons.net
Sat Sep 24 17:05:23 UTC 2016

Hi Lucio,

On 09/19/2016 11:13 PM, Lucio Carreras wrote:
> Hi Ross,
> Maybe you remember, I currently see no chance to go on preparing
> Sayonara player for the Debian repositories. I simply don't have enough
> time. The distribution mechanism for Debian is complicated and when I
> find time again after a few weeks I have to start from the very
> beginning again. It's very time consuming and I cannot imagine how to
> handle this in the future. I'll go on uploading the program to the ppa
> and offer the source code on my website. Maybe there will be someone in
> the future who wants to take care of this task.
> I have a lot of respect for all of you how to manage this all beside
> your jobs.

No problems. We all know how you feel sometimes - especially when
starting out. If I ever get a spare moment, I will take a look and see
if I can finish the package off and get it sponsored myself.

Once it is in the Debian archive, it is quite easy to maintain from that
point, as the workflow begins to stick in the brain. So I hope you will
keep an eye on the package in Debian, and re-consider later on.

Keep up the good work on the package upstream!


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