Bug#885127: vlc: Cast Chromecast unusable due to gnutls error

Floris jkfloris at dds.nl
Tue Dec 26 21:24:59 UTC 2017

>> Apparently, on a windows machine you get a "trust this certificate"  
>> pop-up
>> window and you are able to import the chromecast certificate.
> That popup also exists in Linux. But it is not adequate to handle  
> insecure
> algorithms, only unknown or mismatched certificates.
>> In Debian
>> there isn't such window. How to accept the chromecast certificate?
> The TLS support within VLC is identical for Windows and Linux. The  
> difference
> is the Windows version ships an older version of GnuTLS, than that in  
> Debian.
> Presumably, the server is using SHA-1 certificate signatures - which are  
> being
> phased out industry-wide, and no longer accepted by newer GnuTLS version.
> I don't see how this is a VLC bug. It's actually working as intended. If  
> you
> think the diagnostic is wrong, then it's a problem with GnuTLS.

I'm not sure this is a VLC bug, although I think it is odd that VLC 3 has  
a Chromecast feature, but it isn't working. Maybe build vlc without  
Chromecast support in Debian until Google and/ or GnuTLS has a decent fix  
for this issue. Or make a workaround.

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