Bug#850667: gnome-mpv: no more scroll indicator after updating mpv to 0.23.0-1

James Cowgill jcowgill at debian.org
Mon Jan 9 10:19:30 UTC 2017

Control: tags -1 patch fixed-upstream
Control: forwarded -1 https://github.com/gnome-mpv/gnome-mpv/issues/241

On 09/01/17 07:39, Stefan Breunig wrote:
> Package: gnome-mpv
> Version: 0.10-1
> Severity: normal
> Dear Maintainer,
> after updating mpv there is no more scrollbar indicator and the scrollbar does
> not work when clicked. I presume I have updated from mpv 0.22.0-1.
> The issue is fixed if I build gnome-mpv from source. Would you kindly either
> update to gnome-mpv 0.11 before the freeze or backport the required patch? If
> needed, I can bisect the source to figure out which patch fixes gnome-mpv.

This is the upstream bug and fixing commit:

It appears the 0.11 release was made specifically for mpv 0.23 so it
would be good to get it in.


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