Bug#856815: kodi FTBFS on Alpha due to Intel assembler that is easily worked around

Michael Cree mcree at orcon.net.nz
Tue Mar 14 07:01:54 UTC 2017

On Mon, Mar 13, 2017 at 09:04:15PM +0100, Bálint Réczey wrote:
> > kodi FTBFS on alpha due to Intel specific code [1].
> >
> > I attach a patch that enables generic code to be built rather
> > than Intel specific code and with that kodi builds to completion
> > on Alpha.
> Can kodi run on any alpha machine?

Yes, it runs on my XP1000.  Admittedly it was skipping frames on a
standard definition MPEG file, which is interesting because this
machine can play such files without a problem, but on closer
inspection I see that pulseaudio is taking up over 30% CPU time.
If I could point kodi at alsa directly I expect it would work very

> The kodi package is quite big. Would building the package worth it
> considering the space needed on snapshot.d.o, on mirrors, etc?

I presume that the managers of debian-ports have already considered
the space resources of the ports building the archive when they
accepted them into debian-ports.  There are some extremely big
packages already built on Alpha (webkit, libreoffice, etc.) and one
more should not be a problem.


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