Bug#871920: musescore-common: please split out the FluidR3Mono_GM.sf3 sound font into a separate package

Thorsten Glaser t.glaser at tarent.de
Tue Oct 10 19:18:24 UTC 2017

On Tue, 10 Oct 2017, Fabian Greffrath wrote:

> Hi again,


> Am Dienstag, den 10.10.2017, 17:41 +0200 schrieb Thorsten Glaser:
> > What if they decide to stop shipping it?
> then we would proceed as we did for the previous soundfont they
> provided, i.e. timgm6mb-soundfont. That is, we would continue to
> package it in its own source package.

Yes, as you argued later on in your eMail.

> .o(On the other hand, musescore requires a soundfont to be installed in
> order to work, so why should they ever stop shipping one? In that case,

They could switch to a different one, is what I meant.

(or embed it in the C source… *shudder*)

> > Yes, but, I’m a MuseScore user, and so really really *really* wish
> > to not prevent getting a newer version.
> I don't think the soundfont is to blame for the slow adaption of
> musescore 2.0 in Debian. It was just the usual packaging glue. ;)

No, I got a .dsc from Toby way before it entered Debian, which worked
with only the most minor tweaks (it *was* intended for his PPA), and
the soundfont slowed getting it uploaded to Debian by quite a bit.

I hope I’ll be able to speed things up in the future now, though. I
was a new to-be-a-user-soon back then only learning of its existence
by a workshop a fellow choir member gave.

> If future problems arise with the soundfont, we will package it in its
> own source package and upload new musescore releases to experimental in

Exactly. Good that we’re on the same page.

> > I can do that, but thanks.
> Cool, thank you!

Uploaded, should enter NEW any time now.

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