Moiseenko Andrey's crtmpserver security patch

JSK MaaSoftware support at
Wed Oct 11 19:25:11 UTC 2017

Hello, Maintainers!

I have found a security problem in crtmpserver in December 2015, still

The  problem is any rtmp streams generators like web cams, ffmpeg, etc
can  send  they  stream  to  you  crtmpserver  server  anonymously and
playback  it.  It can be a problem for you due to anybody can use your
server for video streaming not for your sites nor your application.

To  solve  the  problem i create a patch based on code found by google
for   connect   schema   name   and   swf  name  check.  And I have my
additions   to  check  remote  (source)  and  local  IP  addresses  of
connection to allow to translate rtmp from certain static IPs.

I  am  novice  in  open source commit, and just have to read 4 configs
from  hard coding dir /etc/crtmpserver  (local_ip.txt, remote_ip.txt,
tc_url.txt, swf_url.txt).

I am trying to build modified source (Thank for Sebastian Ramacher for
Bug#878211:  crtmpserver can not be compilled from source - answered how
to compile crtmpserver from Debian source).

"dpkg-source -commit" say me:
dpkg-source:  info:  local  changes have been recorded in a new patch:

I think my  path  was  not sent  to  Debian Maintainers by
"dpkg-source -commit" command

I am attaching my more detailed patch4.txt with
/etc/crtmpserver/*txt samples generated by
diff -Naur crtmpserver-1.0~dfsg crtmpserver-1.0_mod >patch4.txt

Please fix me if can, about fixed path /etc/crtmpserver
Waiting for code to be integrated into new versions of crtmpserver.

Best regards,
 Moiseenko Andrey,
 e-mail: support at
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